Monday, April 25, 2005

Dad and his Dude

dadanddude, originally uploaded by laughograms.

Jack and I had a little quiet time before his doctor visit this morning. Every day since Friday we have been getting up and going to the doctor's -- or the outpatient facility of the hospital, like yesterday -- to get blood drawn from Jack's poor little heels. He hates this immensely, and it's easy to see why. The extremely good news is that since the application of the phototherapy -- the blue fiberoptic pads -- the bilirubins (the stuff that can build up and cause jaundice) in his bloodstream have dropped steadily. Helping this has been a huge increase in appetite, which has come as the jaundice has been reduced -- so he's eating and eliminating, which helps flush the bilirubins that aren't detsroyed by the lights out of his system.

Anyway, we had yet another test today and his levels had dropped, not quite enough to be taken off the lights, but getting there. Probably a day, no more than two more of the lights and he will be free of them!

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