Saturday, April 23, 2005

At the doctor's...

docoffice, originally uploaded by laughograms.

Jack seems so overwhelmed by all the gear necessary to hold him in one spot. But he is wriggly and so very strong.

Our meeting with the doctor went OK. Jack' strength and overall health & vitality are very good. However, as is common with babies who are induced, very large, and breastfed, he has a little jaundice which seems to be affecting his appetite and making him a little sleepier than he normally should be. No cause for undue concern, we are assured, it's quite common; but the Doc gave us strict orders to do get him fed plentifully tonight.

Unfortunately, mostly Jack just wanted to sleep. He eventually woke up a little but didn't eat so much; but his pattern so far has been to really feed very late at night and early in the morning up until lunch time, and then, not so much. (Like, he has resisted feeding tonight until waking up just now pretty rarin' to go).

Anyway, it is back to the doctor tomorrow am to re-test and see how to address his little jaundice and appetite issues. Like I say, no big deal speaking in a strictly medical sense, but I'm sure the parents out there who remember their first have some clue as to the frustration and anxiety new parents might feel with their new guy being a little uncooperative and maybe a little sick.

Backtracking: last night Jack was again a little cranky about sleepy-time and we went through the usual diaper change/feeding/burping/snuggling/etc. routine and none of these had any effect. Finally, lying down in bed next to mommy did the trick and he zonked right out, so it was off to the recliner for Daddy until around 7:30 this morning when Mommy and Jack woke up for another round of feeding and a very sleepy daddy stumbled back into bed for an extremely restful 3 hours or so of sack time.

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