Saturday, June 18, 2005

Ready for your close-up

bigeyes, originally uploaded by laughograms.

Jack and I have finally kind of settled into a daily routine around here. He has his early feeding about two hours after G has left for work; we both kind of nap until then. I watch TV, and he takes his sweet time with his bottle. Usually he will be sleepy after this, so I make myself breakfast and try to tidy up as much as I can before he wakes up in a couple of more hours for his next feeding, before which I'll walk the dog with him, change the diaper etc.

If Jack doesn't snooze after that I just put him in his little stroller and wheel him from place to palce with me -- he seems fine as long as he can see things and look at people and stuff. He'll nod off at different times and for different periods each day, and depending on whether or not he is relatively placid, which was mostly true this week, or grouchy, which is terrible when it happens, I might actually get a couple of hours eat my lunch and to do some work -- like today, I managed to catch up on cleaning off my desk, installing some software upgrades, getting some important financial stuff done for school etc.

Then Jack gets a couple of afternoon feedings/diapers and he is so bushy-tailed and bright-eyed by then he really needs to be played with for a while, so much of the afternoon we'll play a little bit if he's in a good mood.

These pictures I took trying to get a solid photo of his cute, adorable, gummy smile. I finally suceeded but my stupid phone-cam took it a really low resolution (as you can see a few entries down), but these snaps are still cute for all you Jack fans jonesing for new material.

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