Wednesday, June 22, 2005

dlmodel, originally uploaded by laughograms.

Inside the Opera House they have a marvelous collection of artifacts from the first days of the park, including scale models of attractions never built and this scale layout of Disneyland exactly as it was on July 17, 1955. They also have a film featuring Donald Duck and a very strange-looking Steve Martin (sporting what appears to be bizarre eye cosmetic surgery) realting the history of the parks in a strangely unfunny way. There is some great footage in there though, so if you have the time, it's worth checking out, if you can handle the not-funny "comedy" bits.

All in all a beautiful, wonderful first father's Day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jack! You look so adorable, waving at us like that. Did you dream about your pacifier when it was on your head? Nanny and Pop love you very much and we can't wait to see you! Love, Nanny