So far the solid food experiment has been going OK with Jack, though it usually takes a day or two (say, three feeding attempts) with a new food to get him to accept it without a grimace of absolute disgust. After a couple of feedings he gets into it and downs a whole container -- if not with gusto, then with determination.
Tonight a big success was had in the form of sweet potatoes. Great excitement was had in between spoonfuls and Jack was very happy to eat them.

Of course, tasty toes are always a delicious dessert.

This week Jack was very excited to get some mail from his Nanny and Pop! Inside was a spooooooky Halloween card with a little present. Thanks Nanny and Pop! And just think, a few days ago Auntie Maura sent a spooky card too and a little present, along with cool pictures of the cousins (need a new Tiarnan pic though!) Thanks Aunt Maura!!
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