It must be nice to just kind of lie around most of the day, not doing much, pooping your pants. Wait, that's what I did for most of the 80's. Not the pants-pooping part. At least, not often.

Our good friends the Soyes, Paul and Kathleen and George and Maddy, sent us an awesome little rocker/beach chair for Jack. You can't see it, but it's embroidered with his name on the back and a little shamrock. So darn cute!

If you click the link below you will here a kind of toned-down version of what I listen to all day while Jack plays on his little mat. This is the low-key variant of Jack's little coversations with his toys. Sometimes he's really lecturing them in a loud and strident voice, but every time I tried to record that for an audio post, he of course clammed right up.
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