Feast your eyes on the very best-behaved baby in the world. As many of you know Jack went in for surgery today at Cedars -- outpatient surgery, a small 90 minute operation, but it invovled a general anaesthetic so one worries a lot. Well, the staff at Cedars are just so wonderful they really put us at ease. But the real star of the show was Jack. By the time these pictures were taken he had not had a bite to eat or drink in almost 7 hours! And yet, he was all smiles and love for the nurses. Just a sweet-natured and jolly little boy. There was a little grousing here and there, but very little. And he was better in the recovery room than I would have been and certainly better than the groaning man in the next bed. Just amazing, a great little guy! The surgery went great and we are back home this afternoon -- Jack and mommy enjoying a well-deserved snooze at this very moment.
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