Jack's been going to DL ever since he was 5 weeks old, and every time I have been so excited for the day when he was old enough to participate in the Jedi Training Academy. Well, yesterday that day finally arrived! They pick the kids randomly from the crowd. We tried once and jack was jumping up and down and did not get picked -- and oh, my the bitter disappointment and big, round tears that flowed then. So Sad! He was so upset he was saying he never wanted to go to Disneyland again. But with a lot of encouragement form Mom and Dad, Jack learned that if at first you don't succeed, you just try and try again. We were finally able to convince him to try a second time and to our horror it seemed as if he was not going to be picked again -- he was so scared he was going to be disappointed again he almost gave up -- which would have pretty much ruined out day. But he was picked -- the last kid to be selected, or just about -- and let me tell you, he was mighty proud to be up there front and center with the Jedi master. I took a million shots, none of which came out as well as I might have wished. Frankly I was so excited I was not able to pay as much attention to the camera as I wished I had. (I can hardly begin to imagine how awesome this experience would be to a little kid.) But boy, what a fun and exciting time for Jack. He has been heavily getting into Star Wars of late so this was a huge thrill. When the kids get picked they will either face off against Darth Maul or this other guy.

I'll have a load more of these online soon, including the very good official Disney photos.
1 comment:
Just saw this picture.
Seperated at birth?
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