All summer long Disneyland is having Indy events in Adventureland. Out in the "streets" of Adventureland Indy is searching for the Temple of Mara and a big, mean bad guy is in pursuit, so you can imagine the bust-ups that happen up on the balconies and rooftops of Adventureland. When we first came across such a thing Jack's eyes were as big as saucers. Jack and Daddy went to get a treasure map and when we came back who was talking to Mommy but -- Indiana Jones! Jack couldn't believe it. Indy was asking for her help in finding something but Mommy didn't know what to say! Indy was very frustrated.
Naturally we picked up a kid-sized fedora for Jack. (Needless to say, he had to wear it to day care today. He only took it off for his nap.)
Indy went off in pursuit of a secret treasure, the story of which was presented in a special show. The little guys got to sit on Persian rugs down in front.

Indy emerges from this Tiger temple type deal with an idol and surprise, surprise the lady archaeologist who's been leading the show (and getting help from the kids to solve Indy-style puzzles with moving temple bricks and such) turns out to be a bad guy! (Or as Jack says, a "lady bad guy.") She's no match for Indy though -- he even uses his whip to disarm her much to the thrill of the kids down in front. (They really get into it!)
A tour of the Jungle Cruise was dotted with relics from the Indy films. Jack looked right at home.

On the way home, before drifting off to sleep, Jack told us about the whole day, and how Indy Jones was probably in the temple sleeping, or maybe "he is having aventoors."
That tiger stage thing is the same tiger from the Aladin movie, in the beginning when Jafar is searching for the Cave of Wonders and hooks the two sides of the scarab together and it flies to a point in the desert and the scarab pieces become the sand tiger's eyes as he rises out of the ground...and now I've totally geeked out on Disney.
And Jack is super adorable in his stylish fedora!
Yes, this area is usually used as Aladdin's Oasis, a little Aladdin storytelling show. This summer it's all about Indy.
The pictures are great!!! I love the hat!
Jack is such a cutie. We miss you guys so much!!
Love, Aunt Maura
Jack is soooo cute! I could just squeeze him! What a lucky little boy! How many kids could have such a great adventure? Thanks for the pictures and the storyline!--Love, Nanny
I love the pictures! What a great adventure for Jack!
Love to all of you,
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