Last week was the family party at Disneyland for cast members. jack and I went early and met Mommy after she got of work. A splendid time was had by all. Jack is quite the ladies' man. Genevieve went home a little early because she had to get in to work extra early the next day (as opposed to her usual 5 am arrival) but Jack wanted to "find Nemo" again on the submarines so we got in the 30 minute line for the second time that day (that may seem like a long wait but it's actually pretty quick for this very popular attraction). Anyway, there were two young women ahead of us and Jack flirted with them relentlessly, doing his little booty-shaking dance (more of this dance later this week), holding hands, making funny faces, and generally carrying on, to their delight.

Sometimes Jack becomes very strident about not having his picture taken. "No Pictooors!" He cries.

Last Sunday, it was finally tree-decorating time at our house. We always make hot chocolate and here in the San Gabriel Mountains it was actually chilly enough to warrant it!
Jack helped me stir in the Ghirardelli cocoa mix . . .

Taste test!

Jack got dibs on first ornament placement:

A favorite from Jack's first Christmas:

The finished product (well, almost, we need a couple more pieces of garland):

Complete with Disneyland choo-choo, much beloved by Jack of course.

Ran out of batteries before I could get a properly lit phot, but that will come in a day or so.
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