Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Halloween came to Monrovia and was Jack ever ready! Of course being a pirate means you have to have the right hardware . . .

. . . and the skills to use it!

Up and down Myrtle Ave, our "Main Street USA," the little shops had treats for the kiddies. There was even a little Halloween Fair in the Library park though we didn't spend much time there. We had to get back home so we could hand out candy! This is the first time Jack has ever been trick or treating for real and it is so cute to hear him say it and then "Thank you." It's also the first time in at least 9 years we have lived somewhere where there are actual kids coming around trick-or-treating! So very nice and homey-feeling.

For the record, Jack's the Cap'n. I'm just the first mate.

And of course this is the Admiral. Just so you've got the chain of command around Chez Sheehan straight.

This picture is not so great -- as an aside, we had a great Kodak digital camera that got stolen from us in Disneyland, of all places. We replaced it with an improved model, which sucks. The color temperatures are always off, and now it's started having problems with exposure, focus and flash timing. Anyway, this is Jack's "Halloween Face," something he made up all on his own.

Perhaps inspired by a pumpkin? This is the first we've had out in, again, probably close to ten years. Along with the "baby pumpkins" you can see above in the pictures up top. (Every morning when we leave for Jack's day care he says, "Bye-bye baby pumpkins, I'll see you in the morning!")

The candle in the middle of the mouth is a little green frog.

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