Hello everyone, or at least those of you who still drop by here once in a while to see if there's been an update. It has been many many months in a long long year and there are far too many pictures to catch up on so let's just start with the new ones, shall we?
Daddy has just transitioned to a day assistant editorial gig after working the graveyard shift all year and taking care of Jack during the day. To say this year has been tough on all concerned would be an understatement. We have been concerned that jack hasn't had a lot of opportunities to socialize with other little guys. I have really enjoyed spending so much time with him every day. It is a rare treat that I will miss even more as he is growing up. At the same time, since I was getting about 3-4 hours of sleep every night I don't feel like I was really able to give him my best each day. Don't get me wrong -- I'm not beating myself up over it; it's just the nature of what has been a very difficult climb since last December.
But for now, good things are cooking on the home front. Moving to days means Genevieve and I can have some semblance of a normal life for the first time, really, since we moved out here and I started going to school 24/7, and Jack gets to see both of us at the same time every day. (Mostly this year he has spent at least a part of every Saturday and Sunday looking from one of us to the other in mock astonishment, saying Ma Ma! Da Da! as if amazed to see us in the same room.)
Also, one of the fruits of this year's labor has been that I have editor's guild eligibility, which doesn't get me any guarantees, but does open up a lot of doors that would otherwise be closed to me work-wise. I have made some excellent contacts of late an have good reason to be optimistic.
Meanwhile Genevieve keeps making Disneyland a more beautiful place every day and is loving her job. And most importantly, today Jack began preschool! He was in infant care for a long time when I was still in school but he hasn't been in day care since last year so today was a big day. mommy got him dressed up all nice and he had his Buzz Lightyear lunchbox (Daddy picked that out) of which he was very proud. He looked so cute in all of these pictures I had to post them all.
Anyway, now that life is going to be more like what your normal lives are I will be abe to update this thing at least weekly. So keep a lookout!

FANTASTIC!! How great to see those adorable pictures of Jack! Love his outfit and lunch box. But he's growing up toooo fast; he looks so much older. Hug and kiss him for us and do keep us posted on how he likes school. Love, Nanny and Pop
Awww! JackJack is so cute! I can't believe he's going to school. How big he's gotten!
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