Above is a picture of Jack and me as I am typing this on my MacBook. He loves looking at pictures of himself, the little narcissist, so we're having some fun, posting some pictures and I am trying to write explanatory text whilst Jack hits random keys and moves my mouse around at will.
Last Christmas Jack's Aunt Maura gave him some Incredibles jammies -- he is Jack-Jack after all -- he recently began to fit them really well. He looks so adorable! (We got him a Jack-Jack costume for Halloween -- we're going to a cast member trick-or-treat at Disneyland this year.)

Please note the large plastic cow in Jack's mouth. He will walk around with that thing clenched in his mouth all the time.

Jack vs. the cupcake:

The cupcake lost.
The other day we invited Jack's little buddy Mick to Disneyland (that's Mick's mommy on the right). He and Jack had a super swell time running around and going on rides . . .

A meeting with Mickey -- all done up in his Halloween finery -- was in the cards, of course!

The carousel is
always the high point of Jack's visit to Disneyland, though.

But the parade is also way cool. I would post a video of Jack doing a little dance during the parade but YouTube appears to be offline right now . . .

A few days later -- October 12, to be precise -- was our 10th Wedding Anniversary, so of course a day at the park was a must. Jack and I met Mommy over there when she got off work. We were serenaded by the Dapper Dans on Main Street . . .

But from Jack's point of view the main event of the day was meeting Lightning McQueen and Mater from
Cars over in California Adventure.
Cars was Jack's first movie experience. Well, not quite -- we took him to see Dumbo but he fell asleep before the short subject even started -- but anyway, we took him to see
Cars at the El Capitan and he was in awe. He was rapt and enthralled for the whole two hours. Since then he has become a real car enthusiast. He has some
Cars toys and sometimes we sit on the front steps of our apartment building watching cars go by and talking about what colors they are. Anyway he was thoroughly thunderstruck to see these two "in the flesh," as it were. "car car CAR!!!!" he kept exclaiming, pointing at them. When we tried to leave he wrestled away from us and toddled right back there, so we had to hang around until
they left. Jack was very sad when that happened, as you can imagine. But he got over it.

Jack would go from one car to the other, kind of touching it in a "is this real?" kind of way. Very very cute. As usual he was a big hit with the cast members.

Jack fell asleep just in time for Mommy and Daddy to have a wonderful anniversary dinner at Napa Rose, the very, very wonderful restaurant in the Grand Californian Hotel. We hadn't been out for a high-end meal in about two years so we really enjoyed it.

And a quick blast form the past: AFI's official photographer couldn't get enough of Jack at graduation this past June -- so here's a sample of the many fine shots she took that day.