Monday, August 21, 2006

I know, I owe you some pictures

But first, let's get some webcam chat going.

By far it looks like the best way for ALL platforms to do a webcam chat with us is to use Skype ( iChat gives the best video performance by far thus far, but has a hard time talking to Windows users. MSN doesn't really have a video client for mac, though there is a thrid-party app that will do video, but no audio. Skype will supposedly do both.

So warm up those webcams, download Skype (or just activate iChat with an AIM or .mac account if you've a Mac) and let's get together.

Soon, more photos. Some work to do first.

1 comment:

Klogz said...

This was the latest entry of your three blogs so I just thought I'd try to get a wee thanks to you for writing me about the Wubbzy songs. I'm so glad your son was sparked by Pet Party. That was a fun one indeed.
I hope you guys continue to enjoy the show and the songs. I'll post any song news that comes up but for now it's just really great that you took the time to connect with the blog and write. I really appreciate it and thank you again!
All the best,
Brad Mossman