Jack is officially six months old today. Incredible to believe that 6 months ago tonight life as we know it changed irrevocably for the better. We love him so much, more than we ever thought it was possible to love somebody.
Here's some quick pictures from a few minutes ago, just to celebrate. Be sure to click on them to see the bigger versions, they are much cuter when seen large. I love the drool-icicle (droolsicle?) in the third one along.

A Very Merry Half-Birthday to you!!! You've come a loooong way baby! Can't wait until you're one year old. Keep giggling and smiling (especially for your mom and dad). You're just the best little baby in the world!
You little cutie; we all love you so much and can't wait until we see you (and your Mom and Dad) again.
Happy six monther, buddy.
Love, Daniel
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