Just a few hours ago we got back from Albany, New York, where my sister got married to a fine young man named Travis. Snapped this picture this evening in the tunnel between C and D terminals in Cleveland where we connected our Albany flight to an LAX flight. Jack was, simply, amazing. Even the other passengers commented on it. He never cried or was fussy, except at his usual times when he was just about to fall asleep or eat. Literally, didn't make a peep except a bunch of giggles of delight when we played with him or fellow passengers made faces at him. Really unbelievable, and this was both ways to and from Albany, with a long 4 1/2 hour layover in Newark on the way there and a hurried connection in Cleveland on the way back. We are so fortunate to have such a sweet-natured baby.
Jack had quite a weekend! He more or less recovered from his tummy problems, though his teething still produces some, er, alarming results on the changing table. On his voyages he met many many family and friends and admirers (and readers of this blog whom I don't even know, really). Rather overwhelming at times for the little guy -- at the reception it was hard to get through the room without many well-intentioned hugs and grabs -- but he stayed cheerful and happy most of the time, ever-curious and smiling. Only once, at the reception, after about an hour and a half of steadily being passed around, pinched and smooched did he have a mini-meltdown, but after a nap (see below) and some quiet time with Mommy in the cloakroom he was back to his curious self.

I walked my sister Siobhan down the aisle, being her godfather and all. I will post a lenghty update about the wedding and the other fun grown-up times we had on my own blog later but I know what you all really want to see, and that's Jack strutting his stuff. Met a lot of people who read this blog who didn't even notice I had my own -- George Bush supporters and those faint of heart, visit at your own risk.

Jack, dapper as can be and extremely well-behaved at the ceremony.

Jack investigates Rose, due to arrive mid-December courtesy of Aunt Becca and Uncle Teige. Part of what we might call the New Power Generation of Sheehan Cousins.

Jack's cocoon at the wedding. Tried to keep him a little isolated from the music and general hootenanny for a while. Seemed to do the trick. I don't think we'll be bringing Jack to another wedding. Not that he wasn't an angel, but it's hard to really get into the spirit of the thing in the kind of gung-ho, take-no-prisoners style we favor when you have a little baby in the mix. Fortunately our next wedding is in close proximity to Grammy and Grampy Smith (see below).
Here's a snap from Siobhan's house just before the wedding of ALL the Sheehan/Barrett cousins. I think we tried to coerce Becca to include her pregnant tummy but she understandably demurred.

Backtracking one day to the rehearsal dinner, here Jack makes a move on the lovely bride-to-be.

As always, those fingers make for a refreshing delight.

One of the things we'll do if Jack is getting even the tiniest bit crabby is suddenly start applauding and crying, "Yayyyyy!!!" Jack will be confused for a second and then just kind of figure, well, something good must be going on, and then he'll get all excited and start smiling and forget about being crabby. Well, he was a teeny bit overwhelmed and my brother-in-law John was walking him around at the rehearsal dinner and Jack was whining a little when his little cousins -- who had seen Genevieve and me do our "Yay" trick earlier -- did it on their own. It worked, as always.

A variation on the "yay" story is that every morning when I have Jack all changed and dressed for the day I say "You're all dressed! Yay!!" as I pick him up. He gets sooooooo excited -- his eyes get super-wide and he has to cram both hands in his mouth.
Our lovely and sweet niece Nora held Jack for a spell at the rehearsal after-party at my sister's.

Even by Monday, I was pretty beat after all the festivities. So was Jack. Er . . .

Monday, G's folks had driven up from Philly with her sister Elizabeth. We has a nice family afternoon. Mom laid out quite a spread, I made some really good scrambled eggs and everyone communed with Jack-Jack.
Cheating a bit, this picture is actually from
this morning, but what the hey.

Jack's Grammy had a swell time playing with the big man.

This was Elizabeth's first time meeting Jack. She's enthused whilst Jack seems skeptical . . .

And finally, Jack with his ladies . . .

And with his posse.