Thursday, September 29, 2005

Spoke too soon

Well it seemed as if the tummy bug was passing . . . but then after our visit to the doctor yesterday we were back to . . . well, not square one, more like square four (out of ten) or five. The doc checked Jack out thoroughly; Jack is still gaining weight, maybe an ounce or two off target because of his pooping problems, but the doc says he's OK, it is no big deal, Jack just has an upset digestive system that will take some time to get better and we just have to be patient. It's been almost a month of ill baby now so patience is -- well, not wearing thin, exactly, but harder to muster.

Fortunately it doesn't seem to affect Jack's mood, in the main. After our trip to the doctor I had to bring him to school, because I had a meeting and class, and G drove up to pick him up. I introduced Jack to all the faculty who have been asking after him and he couldn't have been more sweet and jolly and happy. He's like this all the time, with the exception of some late night or early AM crabiness, but as long as he has this tummy problem day care is out of the question. I don't want to bring him back there until he is at 100%, and I don't want to bring him back even then. It's a perfectly fine place as these things go, but it is probably the source of his illnesses just by the nature of the thing. Anyway it is very frustrating because we don't really have a choice -- I have classes and drop-dead responsibilities, and of course G has work. The only blessing is that this semester classes are few for me, so we have the option of keeping him home with me. Next term will not be so easy -- in fact I will not be around much at all, because I will be editing my thesis films. So I dearly hope that having these little illnesses now will strengthen Jack's immune system some and make him less prone to these little bugs.

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