Tuesday, July 12, 2005

We're back!

bigsmile, originally uploaded by laughograms.

OK, so, it has been a long time since updates, or for most of you, friends and family alike, phone calls, contact of any human kind. Be gentle with us, we only got down to the last couple of boxes last night. We are all moved in now, just some pictures to hang and knick-knacks to put away! Jack has been just so wonderful. He smiles all the time now (except when he is hungry or just waking up). But he loves staring into Mommy or Daddy's face and after a few seconds, this radiant, jolly smile. He started smiling a few weeks ago when I'd stroke his hair but now it is all the time and I just can't look away. He also is making an effort to laugh! Right now it's kind of a "hhewww" when he is particularly smiley. He is a smiley, happy, very pudgy little baby (who has just discovered the tasty virtues of his hands, but is still learning not to cram them all the way into his mouth). He had his two-month checkup just after we moved, like the 30th or so. He passed with flying colors and is in like the 98th percentile for weight and 90th percentile for length. In the words of our wonderful pediatrician, "he's huge." Jack got his first round of shots that visit, which put him in a foul temper that afternoon, but he cheered up late night. The scoop on our move can be found over at my blog. Jack and I have been spending our days sleeping and unpacking, but with most of the settling in done, we have been taking exercise walks down the extensive beach paths in the afternoon.

But you want to see pictures, right? I will start with these -- we have a plethora of smiley Jack pictures so here you are -- maybe it will brighten your day to have these around. I know they make me smile.

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