Just testing the Flickr-to-blog posting capability, which was broken earlier today.
I posted a pic below that I took of Jack on a night when I was testing out some old lenses on my new Nikon D40 a couple of months ago. I like them so much I put a few of them on Flickr. They are some of my favorite pictures of Jack and you can enjoy them by clicking here.
Last night we went to the Disneyland Family Holiday Party and had a great time. Got a lot of good shots along with a lot of blown ones 'cuz I can't seem to focus my only fast (and non-autofocus) lens in low light. But there are some really good ones all the same. Check them out by clicking the photo above!
Hey everyone, I updated my Flickr photos with a collection from last night's Christmas parade. Had some lens difficulties -- curse you old lenses, manual focus and shallow depth of field, curse you all to hell!!! -- but there are a few keepers in the mix. Enjoy.